Saturday, October 23, 2010


Did you know that that's what an Oval is called in the Philippine tongue?
Yeah, a Bilo-haba.

I learned something new today :) This is what I get from watching Saturday kiddie shows. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Early umbilical cord clamping may interrupt ''nature''s first stem cell transplant''

This article was taken from

Basically, it states that nutrients from the mother are transferred to the child by delaying clamping the umbilical cord. These nutrients affect the child as it grows up-- supposedly for the better.

Delaying clamping the umbilical cord for a slightly longer period of time allows more umbilical cord blood volume to transfer from mother to infant and, with that critical period extended, many good physiological "gifts" are transferred through ''nature''s first stem cell transplant'' occurring at birth, they said.

Once again this is a snippet of an article taken from Click on the link for the full article.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I recently had a traumatic experience with a homosexual. A bakla. I’d rather not go into details. Suffice it to say that I felt quite violated and helpless, to think that I was doing that person a favor. No, I was not touched, but he got very close to my comfort zone and it happened very close—too close to home.
Anyway. As I was relating the story to my friends, hoping for support, another gay guy, albeit from my circle of friends, blurted out; asking if I was gay. I said no. He followed up with a couple of other fairly offensive questions. I played it down. Played it off. But in the state my mind was in. I was offended and disturbed. I have trusted friends who are either openly gay, or have doubtful sexualities. It didn’t use to bother me. But at the time, I began to doubt their worth.
I had decided to keep close those who I already had, but seal off any new acquaintances with shady preferences. I’m no manly man, what a friend called maton. But I wanted my distance from these people.
Today, Tumblr turned Purple. Or violet. What’s the difference? I knew that it was wear purple day, but I didn’t know that Tumblr would be supporting. Anyway. As I said, I’m cool with homosexuality. I was reading the different posts about it and found out what this was all about: Bullies.
I grew up different. I was not the sporty, manly type in an exclusive, all-boys school. I wrote while others wrestled. I drew while others raced. I was poor in a very posh setting. I was chubby, and then turned obese due to a medical condition back when I was young. It ruined my skin. The bullies ruined my ego. But they made me strong. It’s just that I didn’t know that yet.
Even now, more than a decade later, their words still affect me. I still feel excluded naturally even without tangible reason. Laughs still go slow-mo in my mind when I think that people might have been laughing at me. I still wear sleeves to cover my arms and tight undershirts to bind my flabs when I can—when the weather allows. I’m still very defensive, attack-dog-style, almost when I let my guard down. Or is it when I leave it up? I’m not so sure which is which anymore. But, on the other hand, these misguided, badly brought up, uneducated misfits have inspired me to do great things, perhaps even more than some of my friends.
With my friends, we accept each others’ weaknesses. Cover for it, in fact. Sometimes, they are who I escape to for that very purpose—to be weak. In times when I need strength, I don’t think what my mom would think. I don’t think how proud this person or that person might be. I think of the evil laughs, the back talks, the envy, the greed, the want the bullies might feel.
I don’t know if that’s good, but it works for me. So, ass holes, thank you. I will conquer the world because of you. I have conquered you, and will annihilate you because of you. Your downfall is actually your own doing.

Snip Dip Sip Coffee

I remember that there a similar product here in the Philippines recently. I forgot what they were called, but they never really caught on. They were off the market by the time I checked how much they were.

Those were designed to flavor the milk that kids drank. it was a fat straw with flavor beads in them. The milk was sipped up through that straw and it got flavored as it touched the balls. I think there were chocolate and strawberry flavored ones.

Anyway, saw these at Yanko Design

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm NOT giving up on this blog!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Laugh out loud! :P

I'm uploading a video of our final class performance onto facebook and it displays this. I apparently have infinity hours remaining. I can think of a multitude of things to compare this with.

It's longer than any relationship I've ever had.
It's just about as long as this semester is lasting.
It's the amount of reasons I have when I don't wanna do anything.
It's the chances that crushie and I will never meet. :'(
It's how much time I've wasted on facebook/tumblr
..... what else? :P

Monday, October 11, 2010

The recent question about whether I'm Filipino got me to thinking: am I a Filipino?

By blood, why, yes I am. At one point, we quite recently found out, my mom's family had a purely Chinese line. My Father's side is quite strongly Malay-- skin, build, et al.

My father's side is from Laguna-- Nagcarlan, San Pablo, Liliw. My mom's side, I've always thought of as from Bacolod, though my lolo has deep roots in La Union and Ilocos.

As for me-- I grew up the bunso and the kuya of the household. For 5 years or so, I was the youngest on our street; the baby of all. Then my little cousin, Kathleen came. I remember ill feelings then-- hello, dethroning the little prince? But now, we're close as can be.

My upbringing was very strange. We lived with my paternal grand parents. At home, it was totally Tagalog-centric, with very native undertones. Tradition reigned supreme. For a while, I couldn't delineate family and friends and even helpers. Holidays were unbelievable. We'd celebrate days on end because one night was never enough to accommodate all the relations. My grand parents being somewhat respected and my family being one of the first in the village, we had dibbs and special participation during fiestas and Christmas. I was also heavily immersed in religious and social traditions-- hello abay in sagala.

On my mom's side, it was different. It was geographically distant, but they welcomed me as much as I could allow myself to be welcomed. That's where I experienced eating lechon made from pig that we chose and watched bet slaughtered. I heard lots of stories of aswangs, too. At night, in the farm, I experienced living under the light of a Petromax or kerosene lamp-- which, when it ran out also signaled sleeping time. I also experienced walking through fields and dikes, and watching fireflies in the dark.

My "social" life was radically different. It was very westernized. I grew up in an exclusive school that we we could hardly afford. I barely felt like I fit in. But, bygod did I learn a lot. That experience defined how my mind would and could cope with many oppressive situations.

Come to think of it, my life is a crazy mix of polar opposites. Westernized and totally modern. A matriarchal family set up and an all-boys school education. Exclusive school but very maka-masa upbringing. Dude, I'm like a human chopsuey.

It's funny now. I sometimes speak all conyo-ish, but I can translate and understand such deep Filipino words. I can barely get through commuting and going around suburbs, but I can do Balagtasan. I can kill a a pig AND ride a horse. and catch fish. hahaha I can set a formal table but still eat with my hands. I love tuyo, bagoong, and patis (even if I am allergic to them.)

These are all part of me. This is me. I dislike categorizing myself. Or speaking with finality regarding these things. Time flows, things change. So, I may still not know if I really am Filipino, but in all, this is who I am.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'm in the middle of doing my Art Studies thesis right now, but HEEEEY! I deserve a break...

And how can u resist these?! Don't you just LOVE them? Moleskine + Pacman = <3

I'd really want one for myself, but Moleskines are ridiculously expensive! :/ I'm not wastign a thousand buck on something I'll just doodle nonsense in.


A term used in online, technological, and similar speak.
It refers to the full practical usage of a product or service for free. When I say full practical usage, I mean that everything that may be necessary to the user as a product or service is available for free. However, certain perks such as: customizability, advertisement removal, etc. are available only for a certain price.

Essentially, the services are free, but the premiums are not.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Some Cutting Edge Technology!

Alright, I know it's fake and all, but I thought it was worth posting here anyway.

I was researching on the Mac Book Air- -and whether it was a good buy. I could handle the external DVD drive et al. But I couldn't handle the fact that it was deadly! :P

Read more at :Killer MacBook

The comments at the bottom are also hilarious!




For me, this word immediately conjures up images of a cardboard box brimming with rice with a pair of chopsticks poking from its top. Alas, that's not the take away we're talking about here.

In writing, a take away is really the answer to "so what?" It may be something deeply inscribed by the writer, or totally ascribed by the reader.It might not even be directly related to the article written. What matters is that it matters to you. Supposedly all works have this. I don't want to disagree, I just can't support it with personal experience.

If there is one thing I learned from a semester of Journalistic Writing, it is that not everything that matters to you will matter to everyone else; that, not every story you deem worthy of writing or talking about will find a listener; that not all jokes will get a laugh; not all dramas will invoke a tear. Strange (and quite stupid, actually) of me not to understand that earlier, right?

My theatrical and personal communication backgrounds are rearing to contradict every thing I just said. What, with calling myself stupid; saying that my stories aren't worth telling; yada yada yada. I will content myself by ending with some food for thought.

Not all the stories I choose to tell may be worth sharing, but maybe I'm sharing it with you because I thought you were worth sharing it with.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crumple it, cut it, fold it, stack it, draw on it, shred it, layer it. A lot of things can be achieved with paper. One can draw an ideal, or write down an idea. Paper is supposedly the building block of creativity. But what if we combine paper's many possibilities with Lego?

That's being done exactly by LEGO and Muji papers.

MUJI partners with iconic building-block company LEGO on a super fun new concept. Together they’re encouraging us to think outside the blocks (horrible, I know) by punching LEGO-sized holes in paper. The rest then becomes obvious – but wow – how innovative is that? Perfect really. Available November 27th at MUJI Japan – just in time for the Holiday season. US and European MUJI locations have yet to confirm stock.

Taken from and

Wow, give it up for bending time! Oh, wait, or is it inflating time?
Hahaha. Well, this is certainly an eyecatcher. This really just gives a different form to the usual clock. I don't think it has any special mechanisms or anything-- just a bubble clock for a bubbly personality. :)

Taken from Vidafine and Blog Esprit Design

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Google Translate spews profanities in Filipino - Technology - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

Google Translate spews profanities in Filipino - Technology - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News

"Based on Tagalog Wikipedia statistics alone, as of Oct. 5, there are only 246 science articles out of over 20,000 on the site. — VS, GMANews.TV"

Hello! I used to play this when I was a kid!

I might just be desperate enough for this...

Monday, October 4, 2010

For the Fashion-forward Gorgeous Geeks

I wish they'd create cool stuff like this for men too!

From the A Dress A Day Project

Awesome Advertising

This is great thinking. This company took lightweight banners or streamers and tied them to large house-flies. The insects were then set loose to fly around their area to promote their event. This is soooo cool. The site is in German, so I apologize for that, but here's a video.

From HundertMark

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Finally, an answer to my problem of having my best ideas in the bathroom-- waterproof notes!

I once wrote a whole sestina on my phone while in the toilet. Just sharing...

available from

Muntik Na Kitang Minahal by Carol Banawa

My mom keeps on singing this to me.
I was (am) madly in love with someone. We met at work and parted ways. Crushie actually told me "I love you." But I shouted out "what?!" which ended the phone call-- and our "relationship." We parted ways right after that. I still think of all the what-ifs each and everyday.

I've made a promise that should we ever meet again, I won't hold back anymore. Alas, the Philippines seems too big for two souls to see each other again to repair a broken heart...

HELLO. I bow down to him

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I just read that we have to "prepare" to sleep. Actually, the way the website put it made it make so much sense...

"Expecting the body to go from full speed to a standstill without slowing down first is unrealistic."

With our bodies in a certain active momentum, it really is quite logical that sometimes I just toss around in bed trying to fall asleep despite being notably tired. I guess it's also just the body's way of preparing us for rest when we're really tired and our functions slow down little by little.

Read more about this and other Sleep-time Mistakes on

Everything's becoming automated!

I just made a logo for our class site. But when uploaded, it refuses to play the animation. :(

Anyway, my concept for it is something along the lines of

"The way we see how the world works"

Whatcha guys think?

Friday, October 1, 2010

I was going to post something about points of view-- but saw this on my dashboard!

I can't believe I've reached 100, let alone have passed that number of posts! Wala lang. Back to reading. Wouldn't it be awesome if people seriously read my blog? :P

Just for a little light-hearted fun for tonight. Hi. Just got home...

Doctor Popular Update

This is Doc Pop's site

Wiggle Stereoscopy

Some guy called Dr. Popular is experimenting on a way to record video that when played back gives similar effects to 3D videos but without the use of 3d glasses.

This is a photo of his rig. I took it from Katmulkey I did not ask for her permission, but I do recognize that the photo is not mine, and will gladly take this down should she ask me to. :)

It's cool that he did this because, honestly, because I use glasses, 3d glasses don't really work well for me. I watched a 3d orchestra in Disney and nearly cried because it was useless for me. :(

I got wind of this from Petapixel, once again.
I have learned that I recently developed the habit of snoring. To think, people used to comment on how silently I sleep despite my big size. I don't even know why people attribute my big size to being noisy-- I'm a quiet eater, and they wonder; I'm a silent walker, and they wonder.

According to

As you fall asleep, the muscles that keep your breathing passage open begin to relax, while your throat contracts. The tightening throat means a snug journey for passing air. For some people, this narrowing causes air to push forcefully through the throat, disturbing the relaxed muscle tissues in the back of the throat, causing them to vibrate. The vibrating tissue produces the sound familiarly known as snoring.

Some things that cause or even worsen snoring are things that seem to constrict the throat such as: propping your head up on too many pillows, COLDS, and, yes, obesity.
(there's my answer)

I guess the fats further tighten the air passages...